Wingate School, an educational centre located in Arona, Tenerife, has just received the certification that places it among the five best British schools in Spain.
60% of Spaniards believe that they do not have a sufficient level of English for their professional development despite the fact that 92% recognise that languages are important when it comes to accessing the job market. Therefore, we are all aware of the importance of learning at least one language. And if this happens from an early age, so much the better. At the British Wingate School, located in the Cabo Blanco area of Arona, Tenerife, students leave for university speaking perfect English, although only 17% of the parents are British.
In fact, this school, after an intensive three-day inspection by a team of BSO inspectors from PENTA, has just been declared “an outstanding school in every respect”, cementing its place among the top 60 British international schools in the world and the top five in Spain.
Founded in 1982 by the Green couple, with just nine students, it has grown to over 430 students of more than 20 different nationalities today. Its owner, Jonathan Green, was very proud of this certificate, for which the school and the whole team, students and staff, have worked very hard. “It’s been a tough three days, but it’s worth it,” he said. Among the conclusions of the report is that Wingate School offers an outstanding education.
“Teaching is excellent, supported by a strong curriculum coupled with highly effective assessment practices. Pupils receive a personalised experience, enabling them to make excellent progress. Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning are a strength of the school. The leadership provided by the proprietors, principals and other leaders sets clear direction and ambitious goals for all aspects of school life,” he said.
For the majority of pupils, English is not their first language, but even so, pupils in Early Childhood Education make exceptional progress in social and language skills.
The report also highlights that teachers use a variety of effective teaching techniques to encourage productive behaviours for independent, exploratory and play-based learning. Green stresses “we don’t just teach Maths, Language or Physics and Chemistry. We also teach values such as being a good person and a good member of society.