
Tenerife ON app counts with more than 20 new nature leisure itineraries

The innovative app, Tenerife ON, was launched by the Island Council of Tenerife in February 2023 to help people who wish to enjoy nature leisure on the island, both locals and visitors.

Tenerife ON, the official app of the Island Council for planning leisure activities in nature, has added more than 20 itineraries to its database and has incorporated new features in its web platform and app, such as a route planner manual or a filter to catalogue the trails with the greatest accessibility. Currently more than 13,000 people use the app and around 21,000 are users of the website.

One of the new features available to users is geolocation on the Interactive Map. In addition, the start and end of the routes are linked to Google Maps, to make it easier to locate them and receive on-the-spot instructions on how to get to their desired destination.

It also adds to its list the maintenance of more than 20 itineraries spread across the different areas of the island. Some of them are the Pista de las Hiedras, Camino de los Pastores, Los Brezos, Risco Blanco and Barranco Chacorche. Their photographs, information sheet, description and other factors of interest such as their location on a map, altimetry and daily weather are available on the app.

This initiative is fed by the opinion of federations and groups that have already used Tenerife ON for regular monitoring and constant updates. As a result, a redesign of the app’s profiles is planned to make them more visual and generate more information when planning routes, so that citizens have all the information they need to enjoy leisure in the natural environment in a safe way.

To find out more about all its utilities, you can visit the official website or download a free app available on the App Store and Play Store.

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