
Tenerife is considering charging for access to the Teide National Park

Lope Afonso's proposal has the primary objective of "preserving the environment and managing the influx of visitors in Tenerife."

Lope Afonso, the Vice-President and Councillor for Tourism of the Island Council of Tenerife, has raised the possibility of implementing an entrance fee for the Teide National Park. The purpose of this proposed fee is to contribute to environmental conservation and regulate the flow of visitors.

During an interview with ‘Radio Club Tenerife,’ Afonso emphasized the need for a serious consideration of this approach, noting that it is already in practice in other popular tourist destinations.

He stressed that this is not a hasty decision but rather an opportunity for a thoughtful and deliberate debate. Afonso expressed his desire for a swift study of the proposal so that it could potentially be implemented by 2024.

The Island Council of Tenerife is considering charging for access to the Teide National Park.

According to the vice-president, this fee could enhance the overall visitor experience and generate additional revenue that can be reinvested in the park’s maintenance and improvement. He acknowledged that the topic had previously been under consideration during the processing of the Teide PRUG (Plan for the Regulation of Use and Management).

Afonso also addressed the issue of exemptions for residents, stating that this aspect would need careful consideration and nuance.

He made a distinction between charging a fee for park access, which he sees as a specific measure with clear benefits, and implementing a general eco-tax without well-defined criteria and potential negative impacts on the destination’s competitiveness. Afonso emphasized the importance of utilizing existing powers effectively rather than introducing new, potentially problematic measures like the eco-tax.

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