In a recent survey conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) on tourism and gastronomy, Spaniards have spoken out on a long-standing culinary dilemma: the classic potato omelette, or “tortilla de papas,” with or without onions?
For those unfamiliar with Spanish cuisine, the Spanish tortilla is a beloved national dish that holds a special place in the country’s culinary culture. It is quite different from the Mexican tortilla, and it’s essential to understand its origin and significance in Spain. The Spanish tortilla is an iconic and hearty omelette made primarily with potatoes and eggs, with the onion debate being one of its defining characteristics.
Tortilla de papas is considered one of the basic foods in Spain, and if you visit the country, you are likely to encounter it on the menu of many traditional Spanish restaurants. It’s a dish that spans generations and has a cherished place at family gatherings, tapas bars, and fiestas throughout the nation.

The results of the survey are resoundingly clear, with a significant 70.4% of Spaniards expressing their preference for the potato omelette with onions, known as “concebollismo.” The survey, conducted through 4,538 interviews from July 31st to August 11th, also sheds light on preferences for the omelette’s cooking point. A majority of 53.9% favor a lightly cooked omelette, while 26.9% prefer it very well done.
Interestingly, the survey delves into gender and age-related preferences. Gender-wise, there is little variation in preferences between men and women. However, “concebollismo” enjoys a more enthusiastic following among the younger age groups, with 74.7% in the 18-24 age group and 77.6% in the 25-34 age group expressing a preference for the onion-infused omelette.
In contrast, the age group in which “sincebollistas” (those who prefer the omelette without onions) have the most followers is the 55-64 age group, with 22.7%. Among the younger age groups, the lightly cooked omelette is a popular choice, with 62.3% in the 25-34 age group and 63.3% in the 35-44 age group favoring this style.
The survey’s findings offer fascinating insights into the culinary preferences of Spaniards and their love for the iconic tortilla de papas, highlighting the enduring debate over the presence of onions in this beloved dish.