The Guardia Civil in the Canary Islands recently conducted a rescue operation involving two loggerhead turtles (Caretta Caretta). The rescue mission was prompted by an alert from a concerned citizen who had spotted these turtles stranded on the coast of Jinamar.
Upon the prompt arrival of Seprona agents, a distressing scene unfolded as the turtles were found entangled in abandoned fishing nets. The urgency of the situation necessitated the immediate cutting of the nets to free these marine creatures from their entrapment. Subsequently, both turtles were carefully transported to the Fauna Recovery Centre, under the jurisdiction of the Island Council of Gran Canaria. Here, they received essential veterinary care and attention to address any injuries or distress they had experienced.
This incident serves as a poignant reminder, courtesy of the Guardia Civil, of the profound importance of refraining from disposing of waste materials into the sea. Such irresponsible actions, as exemplified by discarded fishing nets, inflict severe harm on marine life. Thus, it underscores the critical need for the preservation and safeguarding of our invaluable marine environment.