The rekindled forest fire in Tenerife, situated in the upper regions of Santa Úrsula and La Orotava municipalities, has impacted approximately 30 hectares of land and necessitated the evacuation of around 3,200 residents. Among them, about 3,000 people are from the La Corujera neighborhood in Santa Úrsula, with an additional 200 residents from Pino Alto in La Orotava.
Over a hundred individuals sought shelter overnight at the municipal wrestling arena, and the La Orotava Town Hall has also provided the Quiquirá pavilion as accommodation for affected residents.
Following a challenging night that led to the fire being escalated to level 2 due to strong winds and high temperatures, the weather conditions have become more favorable this morning, as reported by the Santa Úrsula Town Hall. The fire outbreaks in La Corujera and Pino Alto have stabilized.
Island areas evacuated due to fire
Areas that have been evacuated include Pino Alto, Tamaide, Calle Guanches upwards, La Tosquita, and the Nueva Corujera road from the roundabout towards Calle Guanches. Classes at CEIP La Corujera have also been suspended.
A coordinated effort involving nearly 100 personnel from the Island Council of Tenerife is currently underway in the affected area. This operation includes two helicopters from the Island Council of Tenerife, two from the Spanish Government, and three helicopters from the Canary Islands Government (two from EIRIF and one from GES).
Furthermore, 60 soldiers and 26 vehicles from the UME (Military Emergency Unit) and EIRIF (Special and Rescue Intervention Firefighters) teams from El Hierro and La Gomera, along with a fire engine, were deployed on Thursday.
Throughout the night, a total of 120 troops were engaged, including 42 UME soldiers, Forestry Brigades (BRIFOR), Island Council of Tenerife personnel (39), Tenerife Firefighters (48), Civil Protection Volunteers from Tacoronte, Santa Úrsula, and La Orotava, as well as AEA and QRV volunteers.