Today’s weather forecast for the Canary Islands anticipates partly cloudy skies with intermittent high cloud cover and light calima, which is expected to increase from midday onwards, as reported by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).
Temperatures are set to experience a slight rise, with highs reaching 34ºC on the western and southern slopes, while the rest of the areas will see temperatures range between 30-32ºC, except for the higher summits.
Minimum temperatures will remain at 24-25ºC in significant coastal areas. Thermometers will show a maximum of 33 degrees in Tenerife and a minimum of 23 degrees on the island of El Hierro.
The prevailing wind will be light to moderate from the east, becoming more intense in the midlands and high-elevation regions. During the central hours, a moderate southeast wind will predominate in these areas.