canary islands

Rainfall in the Canary Islands: Sunday’s weather forecast

Temperatures in the Canary Islands are anticipated to experience a slight decline.

The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has issued the following weather forecast for this Sunday in the Canary Islands: expect weak or locally moderate rains and showers in the islands with greater relief. Maximum temperatures will remain relatively stable or experience a slight to moderate decrease. Winds will be light from the northwest, with moderate winds in the easternmost islands and the midlands and summits of the mountainous islands.

According to the forecast, there may be intervals of strong winds during the first half of the day on the southwest and northeast slopes of the islands with greater relief. Towards the end of the day, strong winds are expected on the high peaks of Tenerife and La Palma. Wind speeds may occasionally exceed 60-70 km/h in the La Esperanza area during the first half of the day and on the summits of La Palma and Tenerife at the end of the day.

Sea conditions will feature a west and southwest wind of force 4 or 5, locally 6 and 7, changing to northwest of force 4 to 6, with the swell increasing to strong swell. Along the coast of the east and southeast and the north of the western islands, expect variable winds of force 1 to 3, leading to rough or swell conditions. A northwesterly swell is anticipated with waves ranging from 1 to 2 meters, increasing to 4 to 6 meters with occasional showers.

Here’s the weather forecast for the Canary Islands

Rainfall in the Canary Islands: Sunday's weather forecast.


  • Cloudy skies, becoming cloudy intervals in the northwest and partly cloudy skies in the southeast from the morning onwards.
  • Expect light showers in the early hours, with showers on the northwest slope at the end of the day.
  • Maximum temperatures will remain unchanged, with a slight increase in minimum temperatures.
  • Moderate south-westerly winds, turning to moderate north-westerly during the early hours of the morning.


  • Cloudy skies, becoming cloudy intervals in the north and west and partly cloudy skies in the southeast from the morning onwards.
  • Weak showers in the early hours.
  • Temperatures with little change, with some slight increase, especially in minimum temperatures.
  • Moderate south-westerly winds, becoming moderate north-westerly in the early hours of the morning.


  • Cloudy skies with cloudy intervals on the southern slope during the central hours of the day.
  • Intermittent weak precipitation, potentially locally moderate during the afternoon in inland areas.
  • Maximum temperatures slightly decreasing, more pronounced in the midlands and summits.
  • Minimum temperatures with little change, with some slight increase.
  • Wind from the southwest becoming northwest before dawn, intensifying on the northeastern and southwestern slopes.


  • Cloudy skies with cloudy intervals in the southwest and extreme northeast during the central hours of the day.
  • Generally weak and intermittent precipitation, possibly locally moderate and in the form of showers.
  • Maximum temperatures slightly decreasing, more marked in the midlands and summits.
  • Minimum temperatures with few changes, with some slight increase.
  • Generally light northwest winds with moderate to strong intervals during the first half of the day on the southwest slope.


  • Generally cloudy skies with some clearing on the southern slope.
  • Light precipitation, which could be locally moderate, more likely in the northern half of the island.
  • Temperatures with little change, with a slight increase in minimum temperatures and a slight decrease in maximum temperatures.
  • Light north winds, increasing to moderate in the east and west.


  • Cloudy skies, becoming cloudy intervals in the south during the afternoon.
  • Generally weak and intermittent precipitation, potentially locally moderate and occasionally in the form of showers.
  • Minimum temperatures with little change or a slight decrease, and maximum temperatures slightly lower.
  • Generally light northwest winds, more intense on the southwest and extreme northeast slopes during the first half of the day.


  • Cloudy skies with generally light to occasional showers, which may be locally moderate during the morning in the north.
  • Maximum temperatures with little change and slightly rising minimum temperatures.
  • Generally light north-westerly winds, more intense in the extreme northeast and on the southeastern slope during the first half of the day.

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