Today’s weather in the Canary Islands is forecasted to be predominantly clear with some light cloudiness, as reported by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).
There will be a minor, and in some coastal areas moderately noticeable, decrease in temperatures. The temperature range is expected to vary, with Tenerife seeing highs of up to 27 degrees Celsius and El Hierro experiencing lows around 20 degrees. Moderate northeast winds are predicted, becoming gentler in the midland areas and mountain peaks.
In Gran Canaria, conditions are anticipated to be partly cloudy to mostly clear. Similar weather is expected in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, with mostly clear skies forecasted by Aemet.

Temperatures in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria will witness a slight dip, with the mercury ranging between a high of 25 degrees Celsius and a low of 19 degrees. The wind pattern will remain consistent with moderate northeast breezes, easing in the midlands and higher elevations.