The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) predicts generally clear skies for Wednesday in the Canary Islands, with chances of light rain in the north and northeast of the larger islands, mainly from noon onwards. Minimum temperatures are expected to rise slightly.
The wind will be moderate from the northeast, with stronger intervals on the northwest and southeast slopes, as well as on the summits, where strong gusts might occur on the western islands. At sea, the wind will be from the northeast at force 3 or 4, with a swell or increasing swell to strong swell, and waves from the northwest up to 2 meters high.
Here’s the detailed forecast for each island on Wednesday:
- Lanzarote: Cloudy intervals with moderate northeast winds, which may intensify in the afternoon. Minimum temperatures will moderately rise, and maximum temperatures will remain stable.
Predicted temperatures (°C): Arrecife 16 – 22 - Fuerteventura: Cloudy intervals with a slight to moderate increase in minimum temperatures and stable maximum temperatures. Moderate northeast winds, possibly stronger in the afternoon.
Predicted temperatures (°C): Puerto del Rosario 17 – 21 - Gran Canaria: Cloudy intervals in the north, especially later in the day, with chances of weak, occasional showers from midday. Partly cloudy elsewhere. Minimum temperatures slightly rising on the coast, more so in the midlands and summits. Stable maximum temperatures. Moderate northeast winds, stronger on the northwest and southeast slopes, and the western tip. Breezy on the southwest coast.
Predicted temperatures (°C): Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 18 – 21 - Tenerife: Clear skies over central summits. Cloudy intervals in the north, becoming more overcast in the northeast, with chances of light showers from midday. Partly cloudy in other areas, with some cloudy intervals in the east and west. Slight rise in minimum temperatures and mostly unchanged maximums, except for a slight increase in the central peaks. Moderate northeast winds, stronger on the southeastern slope and extreme northwest.
Predicted temperatures (°C): Santa Cruz de Tenerife 19 – 22 - La Gomera: Cloudy intervals in the north, becoming more overcast later, with chances of light showers from midday. Partly cloudy in other areas with occasional cloudy intervals. Slight rise in minimum temperatures and stable maximums. Moderate northeast winds, stronger on the northwest and eastern slopes, and the summits.
Predicted temperatures (°C): San Sebastián de La Gomera 18 – 21 - La Palma: Cloudy intervals in the north and east, becoming more overcast later, with chances of weak showers, possibly persistent from midday. Partly cloudy elsewhere with occasional cloudy intervals. Stable temperatures. Moderate northeast to east winds, stronger on the northwest and southeast slopes, and the El Paso area and summits.
Predicted temperatures (°C): Santa Cruz de La Palma 17 – 20 - El Hierro: Cloudy intervals in the north, becoming more overcast later, with chances of light showers from midday. Partly cloudy elsewhere with occasional cloudy intervals. Temperatures unchanged or slightly rising. Moderate northeast winds, stronger on the southeastern slope, extreme northwest, and the summits.
Predicted temperatures (°C): Valverde 12 – 15