
The Canary Islands end 2023 with 15,315 fewer unemployed

With the decline over the past year, the region of the Canary Islands has now seen three consecutive years of decreasing unemployment rates.

In 2023, the Canary Islands witnessed a significant reduction in unemployment, with 15,315 fewer people unemployed compared to the previous year, marking a decrease of 8.36%. The total unemployed count stood at 167,845 after a 1.58% drop in December alone, as per the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy. This downturn represents the third consecutive annual decrease in unemployment in the region.

The current unemployment figure is the lowest at the year’s end since 2007. Historically, since 1996, unemployment in the Canary Islands has predominantly seen declines (14 instances) while increasing on 13 occasions. The recent decrease is noted as the smallest since 2018.

Unemployed: Gender and Age Analysis

The Canary Islands end 2023 with 15,315 fewer unemployed

By the close of the year, there were 95,754 unemployed women, marking a decrease of 9,038 from the previous year, and 72,091 unemployed men, with a reduction of 6,277. Notably, unemployment among individuals under 25 years decreased by 1,212, while those aged 25 and over saw a decrease of 14,103.

Sector-specific Unemployment Trends

In December, the Services sector experienced a decrease of 2,023 unemployed individuals, along with reductions in the categories of ‘Without previous employment’, ‘Agriculture’, and ‘Industry’. Conversely, the Construction sector saw a slight increase. By month-end, Services and Construction were the sectors with the highest unemployment, while Agriculture, Industry, and ‘Without previous employment’ had the lowest.

Contractual Changes in the Canary Islands in 2023

The overall number of contracts signed in the Canary Islands fell by 1.65% in 2023, with permanent contracts decreasing by 0.81% and temporary contracts by 2.2%. By the year’s end, 60.11% of contracts were temporary, and 39.89% were permanent.

December Data Specifics

The Canary Islands end 2023 with 15,315 fewer unemployed

December alone saw a decrease of 2,689 unemployed individuals. Since 1996, December typically records a decline in unemployment, with the most recent being the smallest decrease since 2019. Both genders witnessed a decrease in unemployment, with a notable drop among the youth under 25.

Regional Comparisons

Unemployment decreased across all provinces, with significant drops in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas. Comparatively, other regions like Catalonia and Valencia saw increases. Andalusia, Madrid, and the Canary Islands had the most considerable decreases.

In conclusion, the Canary Islands are seeing a positive trend in employment, marking a significant decrease in unemployment rates and indicating a robust economic recovery.

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