The Directorate General for Emergencies, acting upon the forecast from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) and in accordance with the Canary Islands’ Specific Emergency Plan for Adverse Meteorological Phenomena (PEFMA) under Decree 18/2014 of 20 March, has issued an alert for coastal phenomena across the archipelago this Friday.
The weather prediction highlights a north-easterly wind with speeds between 30 and 60 km/h, reaching higher intensities on the south-eastern and north-western flanks of the islands, as well as in the open waters between them. The region is expected to experience strong swells, with vast zones of turbulent seas. Waves from the north-west are forecasted to range from 3 to 5 metres, with the north and west open coasts seeing combined swells of 4 to 6 metres, and the possibility of sporadically larger waves, particularly during the full moon phase.

Recommendations for the public in the Canary Islands:
- Secure your property against potential sea water intrusion.
- Refrain from lingering at the ends of piers or jetties, and avoid attempting to capture photographs or videos near breaking waves.
- Steer clear of fishing in areas deemed hazardous.
- Do not operate vehicles on roads in close proximity to the shoreline.
- Avoid swimming at isolated or unfamiliar beaches, which may harbour localised rip currents.
- Do not enter the water at beaches flying a red flag, in regions known for strong waves and undercurrents, or where lifeguard services are absent.
- Abstain from water sports and maritime activities in locations affected by significant swell, and refrain from camping on beaches under storm advisories.
- If you observe an unusual swell, maintain a safe distance from the sea, and avoid approaching the water even if conditions appear to calm.
- If your vessel is moored, ensure it is securely fastened in a protected area.
- Alert others to potential dangers if they are found in precarious positions.
- Should you find yourself in the water, move away from the breaking waves, signal for assistance, and await rescue.
- If caught by a wave while attempting to exit the water, remain calm, do not swim against the current, and allow it to carry you. Swim ashore when the current lessens.
- If on land and you witness someone falling into the water, provide them with a buoyant object and call for emergency assistance at 1-1-2 without delay.
- For further information, contact 0-12.