This week, the Canarian government, convening in the Council of Government, endorsed a decree proposed by the Councillor for Universities, Science, Innovation, and Culture, Migdalia Machín. The decree designated the Lustral Festivities of la Bajada de la Virgen de Las Nieves of Santa Cruz de La Palma as an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), specifically categorizing it under ‘Social, Ritual, and Festive Uses’ of insular scope.
Originating in 1680, the Fiestas Lustrales de la Bajada de la Virgen de Las Nieves occur every five years, constituting one of the most comprehensive living examples of Baroque festivities. This manifestation encompasses a diverse array of theatrical, dance, and votive expressions, all of which contribute to the intangible heritage of La Palma island. Theatre, dance, music, literature, crafts, painting, sculpture, and ephemeral architecture merge in an allegorical spectacle that evolves annually to herald the arrival of the Las Nieves image in the island’s capital.
Canarian Minister of Universities, Science, Innovation, and Culture, Migdalia Machín, remarked on the significance of this celebration, emphasizing its deserving status for the highest level of protection as one of the most distinctive and representative expressions of the archipelago’s festive heritage.
The declaration of the Fiestas Lustrales as an Asset of Cultural Interest is supported by various reports from organizations and experts. These reports highlight the antiquity, continuity, artistic richness, and symbolism inherent in the festivities’ components, including the Allegorical and Triumphal Chariot, the renowned Dance of the Dwarfs, the Parade of the Pandorga, and the various Transfers of the Festive Throne of the Virgin, among other pivotal events.