The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) forecasts cloudy skies for this Wednesday, which will persist in the north of the islands, although clear skies could open up during the central hours of the day. In the rest of the areas, it will be partly cloudy or clear.
Temperatures will remain unchanged, with thermometers ranging between a maximum of 27 degrees Celsius in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and a minimum of 19 degrees Celsius in Santa Cruz de La Palma.

The wind will blow moderately from the northeast, with intervals of strong gusts on the southeast and northwest slopes, occasionally becoming very strong during the afternoon. On the summits of El Teide, there will be a moderate south-westerly wind that will shift to westerly throughout the day.

At sea, there will be northeasterly winds of force 5 or 6 in the extreme northwest and offshore in the southeast, and force 4 or 5 in other areas, with swell or heavy swell conditions. Near the coast in the northeast, winds will be northeast force 2 or 3 with swell, and on the west coast, variable force 1 to 3 with breezy conditions and light swell. North swell will range from 1 to 2 meters.