This popular entertainment show, which has transformed Tenerife‘s nightlife, continues to captivate audiences by expanding its offering. Following the success of the inaugural Friday night performance, the show introduced new acts to an enthusiastic crowd, maintaining the same high energy that has defined its Saturday nights.
“It’s a point of pride to see each night become a unique experience, and Friday was no exception. The connection with the audience makes every Scandal Dinner Show different,” said Lindsay Nartey, the show’s artistic director.
Since its debut, the Scandal Dinner Show has attracted both locals and tourists with its innovative combination of gourmet dining and high-energy entertainment. The show’s ability to constantly reinvent itself creates a distinctive atmosphere each night, with every detail carefully designed to enhance the audience’s experience.
Offering two hours of dynamic entertainment, the show blends music, acrobatics, dance, and humor into a thrilling performance. Scandal has successfully captivated its audience for nearly four years, thanks to its ability to deliver an exciting, bold, and humorous spectacle from the very start.
The show’s burlesque style is led by Dita Dubois, a playful, provocative, and cheeky master of ceremonies who guides the audience through an evening filled with fun and sass. The evolving nature of the show keeps it fresh, with Lindsay adding, “Each month, we bring in new elements, so the audience enjoys fresh sensations with every visit.”
By adding another night, the Scandal Dinner Show reaffirms its commitment to being a standout in Tenerife’s nightlife scene. With a talented cast and high production values, it remains a top destination for those seeking a one-of-a-kind experience on the island.