
Hotel bookings for Easter Week are nearing 80% in Tenerife

Even though the the current level of bookings is still slightly below the results of 2019, before the pandemic, the expectations of Tenerife hoteliers regarding Easter are very positive.

The hotel and extra-hotel establishments associated with Ashotel have recorded a percentage of reservations in Tenerife for Easter that reaches 79.31% in Tenerife for the dates between 2 and 9 April, which is three points less than in 2019.

In the case of the other islands in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in La Palma reservations are recorded at 73.17%, a very similar percentage to the survey carried out in 2019 (76%) and last year for this same period (75.69%).

La Palma, however, is in a “rather complicated” situation, due in part to the fact that more than 4,000 tourist beds, located in the area of Puerto Naos, Los Llanos de Aridane, closed due to the negative influence of the harmful gases from the eruption of 2021, explained Ashotel.

In La Gomera, bookings are at 80.27%, just under two points below the estimate for the same period in 2019 (82%), but two points above the forecast made in 2022 (78%).

In the case of El Hierro, bookings are 80.7%, which is five points below the forecast for Easter 2019 (85%) and seven points below last year’s (87%).

The Hotel and Extra-Hotel Association (Ashotel) of Santa Cruz de Tenerife points out that, despite not reaching the 2019 data, the truth is that many businessmen point to the increasingly widespread trend of the “last minute”, a practice that has grown after the health pandemic, because many customers prefer to wait until the end to make their reservations.

With regard to the different areas of Tenerife, the south registers the highest percentage, with an average of 82.04%, while the north currently has a booking volume of 74.73% and the metropolitan area, as is usually the case during this period, has an average of 38.27%.

In the case of the behaviour of these three areas with respect to Easter 2022, the figures are almost identical in the south, higher in the north and lower in the metropolitan area.

Despite not yet exceeding the percentages of 2019, the expectations of the hotel sector regarding this Easter already mostly exceed those of 2019. According to the Ashotel Observatory survey, 45.03% of hoteliers predict that this holiday week will close with better occupancies than those of the pre-pandemic year, while 29.14% believe that it will be worse and 25.83% that it will be the same.

The president of Ashotel, Jorge Marichal, is optimistic about these figures, which, he says, highlight the expectations of the sector’s businessmen.

In this sense, he points out that most of the companies surveyed consider that their occupancies will be better than those of the same period in 2019, the year to which we must refer to assess the level of recovery of the sector after the health pandemic.

“This trend of last-minute bookings, which has increased in recent years, leads us to believe that we can close this holiday period, if not with a full house, then practically full,” he says.

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